Team Aros Kamote wins PSYSC Sportsfest 2013

10:59 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

by VJ Bullecer

 Shades of red claim the crown as shades of blue and yellow of Philippine Society Youth Science Club Inc. (PSYSC) battle it out with wits, talent and plain strength in this year’s PSYSC Sportsfest.

The event was done on November 17 & 24 and December 1, and was held on University of the Philippines- Diliman (UP Diliman) campus. To increase camaraderie in the organization, the committees’ members—Internals, Externals, Marketing, Publicity and Affiliations—were divided into three teams namely the Team Aros Kamote (red), Team Amarella Patatas (yellow) & Team Azurine Labanos (blue). 

Major and minor events were done in this year’s Sportsfest which is organized by the Internals Committee of the organization. For each major event, a score of 100 points is given to the one who places first, 70 points for the second placer and 50 points for the third placer. For the minor events, 50 points is awarded to the first placer, 30 points for the second placer and 20 points for the third placer.

On the first day of the Sportsfest, major events include Cheering Competition, Fun Race and Banner Making. On the second day of the event, major events include Dodgeball, Ultimate Frisbee and Volleyball. Minor events include Taboo and Upwords.

After the first and second day of the Sportsfest, Aros Kamote leads with 550 points, followed by Amarella Patatas with 483 points and Azurine Labanos with 375 points. On the third day, major events include Patintero, Catch the Dragon’s Tail, Frisbee and Agawan Base while the minor events include Chinese Garter, Chess and Monopoly Deal. Kamote grabs the first place in all of the major events except in Catch the Dragon’s Tail wherein both Labanos and Patatas tie for 100 points. Patatas wins for both Monopoly Deal and Chinese Garter and all teams are tied in the game of chess.

Aros Kamote headed by Paolo Aligaen leads the team to victory with 1013.3 points, followed by Amarella Patatas headed by Meliton Chiong with 891.3 points. Azurine Labanos headed by Stessi Geganzo garners third place with 703.3 points.

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