Beyond the wonders of space

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My experience as a CSIW delegate was really unforgettable. I made a great decision to attend this camp, even if it means shelling out a considerable amount of money from my parents. Knowing that they may be faced with budgetary constraint, my younger sister, who was also joining for the first time, and I devised some plan to help our parents in raising the amount needed for both of us to go. We posted shout-outs in our Facebook profiles for our Titos, Titas, Ninongs and Ninangs that they may already send their Christmas aguinaldos early. So it came pouring in different amounts and we got half of the money we need for CSIW. Our parents were so happy.
I value every single second that I spent on this camp. Beautiful locations, talented speakers, outstanding facilitators and teachers, plus smart students from different parts of the Philippines opened my mind and broadened my knowledge in Science. I learned different topics about Astronomy and the wonders of space from all the “astrovants” especially Fr. Daniel J. Mcnamara, S.J., PhD., because his achievements has inspired me to do the same. Furthermore, I also got to share with various participants and enjoyed the company of our group, Squadron 19 (Astro-Fantastico), with our facilitator Christian Concepcion (Kuya X). I also had a chance to join the essay writing contest. My most unforgettable experience was at the Bakawan Ecopark when we had a hands-on experience on planting mangroves. As a gift and bonus for my hard work, I received three major awards, the Best Squadron (Cepheus Award), Best Sub-camper (Ranger) and the Gallilean Award.
It was a one-of-a-kind 3-day camp that I will cherish because in this camp, I learned to care about myself and others, to embrace differences, and to respect the natural world. I also made lifelong friends along the way. Hopefully, I could share my experiences with my schoolmates and friends and make my life valuable for others.
Marcus Rey S. Custodio

Space Ranger – Squadron 19 CSIW '09
Crisanto Guysayco Memorial Elementary School (CGMES)
Nagcarlan, Laguna

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