Spirit of Volunteerism
Do you believe that the smallest act of kindness could move mountains towards a better society? Do you believe that reaching out can change a life? Do you believe that every little thing we do goes a long way, which eventually ends up touching our hearts at the end of the day?US President Barrack Obama once said, "The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.”
I completely agree with what he said and by doing something for the benefit of other people, makes the spirit of volunteerism soar high in us. Being a volunteer entails compassion, genuine service, dedication and above anything else, selflessness. Nothing else feels greater than knowing you have been part in making a difference. Perhaps, most of us have this calling in life and that is to find our purpose. The spirit of volunteerism makes us realize that there is so much to life aside from the actuality that it is worth living for.
I remembered that when I was a kid, the virtue called initiative was highly encouraged to us. My teachers usually had these motivations which eventually led us to do something without being told. Little did I know, that the basic foundations manifested in those little situations have transformed into an ocean of willingness from droplets of helpfulness.
Personally, I have been part of several organizations during my first year in college but if I may have to be honest, only two endured –the one inside our university (PNU-InVoLB) and the one outside our university (PSYSC, Inc.). Though these two organizations may have different backgrounds of interest but guess what? Their common denominator is that they are both into volunteerism. Nothing else makes me more fulfilled than knowing that I have contributed to the needs of others. Sure, the spirit of volunteerism could really take me to places. Its soaring wings made me know a lot of people and enter opened opportunities we have come across all along this heartrending journey, but what really feels as the most gratifying sentiment at the end of every day, is that not only did I contribute in becoming catalysts of change in society, I also helped myself develop holistically by which I guess is the most important when growing as a person.
Let me end this article by quoting what the renowned Oprah Winfrey has said, “Everyone who has achieved some success in life was able to do so because something or someone served as a beacon of light. What seems to be an endless cycle of generational poverty and despair can be broken if each is willing to be a light to the other. When you learn, teach. When you get, give because love means nothing if you don’t share it.” Again, love means nothing if you don’t share it. And that my friend, is the true spirit of volunteerism.
Article by Samantha May Gabrielle B. Ugsod