A Part of Everything
by Jillian E. Timple
Different parts and units that have different roles and functions make up a system. I can compare the different clubs and organizations like PSYSC that has been formed to manage or conduct such work to a system. Why? Because, if our body system has cells as their basic unit or the building blocks, then the organizations and clubs has its members which are truly its foundation. If there are no cells, then there are no systems. Same with organizations, if there are no members, how can you call it an organization or a club? See, that’s how important a member is. In a so called system, specifically our body system, it started with millions or billions of cells that make up the tissues and then those tissues of same functions work together to form organs and the different organs to form the system. On the other hand, organizations, specifically PSYSC, have its own hierarchy. Through the different and very unique individuals, a local science club was formed. A group of local science club formed the Division Executive Council, then forming the Regional Executive Council, National Executive Council, the Board of Trustees and of course the National Assembly.
In a group, there must be someone who will lead it, for them to reach their goal. It doesn’t mean that if there is a leader, he will go for it by himself only. It means that if your group has your goal to achieve, then start reaching it as a group, each member and the leader cooperates well, share each idea, thoughts and opinions that come up in their minds and face the challenges that come their way. If that continues, well, you will taste the success and stand as a group until the very end. The task of a leader is quite serious. He must have the right characteristics to be able to handle his group. If you’re a leader, then you know the right things from wrong. If you’re a leader, then you have your followers. Its tendency is that your follower will follow of course what you are doing. So, if you’re a good follower, then you’ll have a good product of members, just believe in yourself and make sure to keep the unity because it’s the key to success!
Jillian E. Timple
Olongapo City National High School, Region 3
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