A Subcamper's Diary

4:49 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Tired and exhausted from the recently concluded three-day intramurals, my mom woke me up early to catch the five o’ clock assembly meeting at the Old CIC Campus. We were going to Kalibo, Aklan to attend the 2009 Children’s Science Interactive Workshop (CSIW).
At first, I was reluctant to get up, still wanting to catch some sleep and rest, but the anxiety and the thrill in my mind of going to a new place, meeting new friends and the fascination of new learning and experiences prompted me to get up like lightning, striking every door of our bathroom and cabinets. In less than ten minutes, I was ready. My mom, dad and my little sister bid me goodbye as I enter the van which would bring us to NAIA to board the 12:45 flight to Aklan.
As expected, we arrived at Kalibo Airport at five minutes before 2 p.m. A shuttle bus was waiting for our delegation consisting of 14 learners from Grade V & Grade VI and three coaches headed by Sir Erwin.
We were called SPACE RANGERS during the three-day event. My co-rangers from our school were Aaron B. Calderon, Ethan B. Calderon, Clarissa Callueng, Christine Carl Callueng, Ma. Joyce Esporna, Kamille Anne B. Flores, Ann Clarisse P. Go, Ana Katrina C. De Guzman, Maria Ana Enza V. Quimson, Bianca Sophia S. Regala, Bianca Isabel N. Santos,Philip Raphael G. Siwa, Francis Emmanuel D.C. Santiago, and Avrianne Villaseñor.
Our teachers were called PEDAGOGUES. They were the one who guided and cared for us throughout the duration of the event. Sir Erwin was a bubbly mentor and a science guru. Sir Joel was a jolly educator and Ma’am Edz, a vivacious adviser. They truly served as our loving and caring parents. We were a big happy family then. Our parents were also called pedagogues. They joined us in our trip because they like to experience the so called “precious moments” of Sampaguita Gardens and the alluring beauty of white sands of Boracay.
The theme, PROJECT ASTRO: NAVIGATING THE INTERSTELLAR MYSTICS provided us fascinating knowledge and great learning experiences with the help of our ASTROVANTS, our speakers who were all experts in the field of Astronomy. Listening from their words of wisdom, I was able to appreciate more and love the wonders of the space and the universe.
The highlights of the event were contests, such as the Astro Rhythm: Dance of the Stars, Essay Writing, Photo Journalism, Poster Making Contest & School Quiz Bee, CSIW Fair, CSIW trails and CSIW challenges. Through these contests I was able to develop self confidence, demonstrate sportsmanship and establish a value of respecting others.
During the awarding ceremonies we were overwhelmed upon garnering the second place in the Astro Rhythm Dance Contest, third place in the Astronomy Essay Writing Contest and most of all being named as Best Subcampers won by PHILIP RAPHAEL G. SIWA, three time awardee for this category (CSIW Pangasinan, CSIW Quezon and CSIW Aklan), and yours truly. We were awarded with medals courtesy of our leadership potentials. Ann Clarisse P. Go and Philip Raphael G. Siwa received their Loyalty Awards (3 years of continuous participation in CSIW).
Concluding the unforgettable activities and experiences we had, I bid goodbye to my new friends whom I met at the event. We exchanged cellphone numbers and addresses, and hopefully, in the days to come – my cellphone will run-out of battery answering text messages!
Ohhh CSIW, what an experience!!
College of the Immaculate Conception
Grade School Department
Cabanatuan City

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