National Science Club Month 2011

And the countdown begins..
40 years of PSYSC and 40 days before the National Science Club Month 2011! This year's theme--CHEMERGY: Chemistry and Science Clubbing in Synergy. Get set for the
SUMMIT - September 3 and 4
PSO National Eliminations - September 3
ITSS - September 3
MathSciAKa - September 17
Formulation still in progress so stay tuned and see how YOU could be part of NSCM 2011. Like us on for updates! See you there! :D
Write commentspardon my ignorance... :) what's MathSciAka?
ReplyHello. MathSciAKa stands for "Mathematics, Science at Kalikasan"
ReplyGeneral Info:
mathsciaka is a luzon-based activity which caters to all elem and hs science clubbers within the region. it will be held in Metro Manila. It provides a venue to challenge our science clubbers mentally and physically through fun and educational science workshops and experiments which are relevant to some issues in science, technology and environment today.
This year, the MathSciAKa will be more geared towards science topics and activities, and thus embarks on the field Innovative Chemistry, exposing the science clubbers to its basic concepts and direct applications in the society through series of fun experiments. The MathSciAKa will also offer new Engineering Science Challenges this year, which will primary deal on the concepts of Chemistry and its application to the environment. :)
ReplyIt is composed of two brackets: Brackets I (Elementary) and Bracket II (High School). These two brackets will have different, independent sets of chemistry workshops and engineering science challenges. The MathSciAKa is composed of three parts: Take Home Project, On-the-Spot Workshops. Prizes will include cash, plaques, medals and certificates of recognition.
Reply..pardon my ignorance but what is the theme about?
Replywhat is the theme about plssss.....i really need it
Replycan u please explain what the theme is trying to say? is it just me? it's strangely formulated and i'm confused what to make of it.
Replyscience is a topography of ignorance