UNLEASH: Bringing Out the Best in You

8:37 PM 1 Comments A+ a-

The Cagayan State University Andrews Campus Energetic Moulders Coed's Club, known as EMC^2, conducted "UNLEASH: Bringing Out the Best in You" a Seminar-Workshop on Team Building, Public Speaking, and Study Habits Enhancement on August 17, 2013.

In order to empower all of its members to become better students and help them with their chosen fields through the guidance of their advisers and their co-clubbers, the EMC^2 has conducted a seminar-workshop that would unleash the potential of its members and all interested students of the college. The Seminar-Workshop, entitled "Unleash: Bringing Out the Best in You" focused on subjects such as Team-Building, Public Speaking, and Study Habits Enhancement. This activity is a Legacy Event of the Club. It also served as an Income Generating Project to raise funds for the future ventures of the club. It was organized and facilitated by the officers of the club and the 4th year Physical Science majors.

The workshop started with the Team Building experience with Mr. PJ Cabanos, Campus Director of Lifebox Tuguegarao as the speaker. There were games such as Picture Relay, Command and Conquer, Human Basketball and Straw Tower which focused on the values of connection, courage, competence and character. For the Public Speaking workshop, Mrs. Eloisa Mabborang, a teacher from Linao National High School, delivered a presentation on "10 Easy Guides in Public Speaking" and "10 Annoying Public Speaking Habits". For the last workshop, "Enhancing the Study Habits", the participants and organizers became the speakers themselves.

As the participants left the auditorium, EMC^2 thought that they have become a new being by being empowered and having unleashed their potentials.

Article from UNLEASH: Bringing Out the Best in You Terminal Report as prepared by Mr. Ernesto Carcasona, the EMC2 Finance Secretary and Mr. Bryan M. Nozaleda, the EMC2 President.


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