
4:52 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

It has been 38 fruitful years since the Philippine Society of Youth Science Clubs, Inc. (PSYSC) responded to the call for public understanding of Science, Technology and the Environment (PUSTE) and devoted itself to the service of the Filipino Youth in the name of the Science Clubbing Movement.

Indeed, PSYSC has gone far conducting comprehensive programs, projects, science fairs, symposia, quizzes and other activities and making science clubbing fun and worthwhile. Yes, it was not easy to live up to the purpose this organization is built upon. It was an earnest endeavor, a challenge to overcome and a craft to be perfected, and through all these the organization never walked alone.

Tremendously growing in number over the years, you, our dearest affiliates, are the reason why we continue to exist and pursue excellence for our one great cause. We couldn’t thank you more for your unwavering support and love and we wish to continue our hand in hand journey with you as we move forward to make our shared vision of Science, Technology and the Environment (ST&E) as everyone’s way of life a reality .

And so now, we give you what you are rightfully due, we empower the role that you play in our society, we recognize you as the catalyst that pioneers the change this world needs and together we will transcend new horizons!

Thus, we bring you the all new eCATALYST!

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