PSYSC @ 39!

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39th PSYSC Anniversary Celebration
"Let Us Shine: Sikat sa 39!"
March 1-6, 2010

March 01, 2010 [Monday]
Switch to CFL Activity
Krus na Ligas, Quezon City

The Switch to CFL Project is a house-to-house campaign wherein
incandescent bulbs from the residents was replaced by compact fluorescent
light (CFL) bulbs for FREE! This project is spearheaded by Department of Energy
(DOE) and in partnership with different institutions (e.g. Green Army
Philippines Network Foundation, Inc., WWF-Philippines, REACT Philippines, etc.)

March 02, 2010 [Tuesday]
Applicants' Night (Batch 2009-B),
6-9 pm, Vinzon's Rooftop, UP Diliman, QC
Theme: Summer or Hawaiian

March 03, 2010 [Wednesday]
PSYSC Ultimate Bonding Experience
6 pm onwards, Amphitheater, UP Diliman, QC
Theme: Sporty

March 04, 2010 [Thursday]
March General Assembly and Pledge Night
6 pm onwards, Vinzon's Rooftop, UP Diliman, QC
Theme: Slumber Party

March 05, 2010 [Friday]
Thanksgiving Mass
6 pm, Parish of the Holy Sacrifice, UP Diliman, QC

March 06, 2010 [Saturday]

Tri-Regional Convention Workshop and RC Elections, PHIVOLCS Auditorium
Theme: Youth's Energy for the World: Renewable Energy for Mankind

Tri-Regional Convention Workshop is a joint project of Regional Councils 3, 4A,
and NCR, a one-day activity consisting of lectures and workshops. Regional
Council elections followed in the afternoon.

Anniversary Dinner
6:30 pm onwards, Tony's Bar and Grill, 194 Mindanao Ave., Quezon City
Theme: Magpasikat Ka! @ 39

39 years of service,
39 years of excellence,
39 years of friendship,
39 years of being the star!

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