It’s now Region III’s turn!
In line with the recently concluded Philippine Science Olympiad (PSO) Eliminations-NCR Division held at the Angelicum College, Quezon City, last September 5, 2009, an election for the Regional Councils of NCR and Region III was done. Marian Pia S. Diaz from the St. Therese School of Marilao, was elected Regional Chairperson of Region III, together with Maureen Ann U. Bautista from St. Vincent’s Academy, Tarlac as the Vice Chairperson for Internal Affairs. Unfortunately, only two of the eight positions were filled. Because of this, the Region III Regional Council (R.C.) organized the Collaborative Undertaking to Revive the Environment (C.U.R.E.) and the RC Region III Election to fully complete the officers.
On November 7, 2009, C.U.R.E 2009 and the Regional Council Election were held at the St. Therese School of Marilao (STSM).Teachers, science club advisers, students, and fellow science clubbers from different institutions were present. The PSYSC National Executive Council (NEC) and the NEC-Assistance Team (NECAT) were also there in full support of the project. Hon. Mayor Epifanio “Peping” Guillermo (Marilao, Bulacan), Mr. Roger Colobong (President, PSYSC NEC), Mr. Vincent Buccat, Ms. Penelope Endozo and Ms. Sheena Soco were the distinguished guests for the day. The program kicked off with welcome addresses, both from Mrs. Salvacion S. Gomez (Directress, STSM) and Ms. Marian Pia S. Diaz. An inspirational message with regard to the environment was given by Mayor Guillermo while Mr. Colobong gave his closing remarks for the program tackling about the PSYSC and the CURE itself.
An environmental awareness parade was held after the program while going to the site of the tree planting activity. The STSM Drum and Lyre Club led the way for the participants. Mahogany seedlings (courtesy of Mayor Peping) were planted, in an idle site where one can see the damage caused by Typhoon Ondoy last September. This was the reason why CURE was the chosen project of RC III to help rehabilitate the place. Everyone had a blast in planting the seedlings and after the activity, a special video shout out from the crowd was done.
The final agendum was the Regional Council Election. The PSYSC NEC and the NECAT facilitated the election, with Mr. Buccat, Ms. Endozo and Ms. Soco as the Board Panel. Each school that participated was entitled to two slots in the RC. I was one of the participants in the election. I can’t tell you my first-hand experience during the election because it’s all pure confidential! Anyway, after getting through that roasting, after all that nervousness, no one went home a loser. Each candidate got a slot in the council. It was very relieving after all that hard work.
Throughout the Regional Council Elections, the other students and teachers that were not inside the Election Room, were entertained by the energetic kuyas and ates of PSYSC NECAT. I happened to see them after the election to take a breather. They were really good! Everyone was having a good time with them. They were dancing, singing with the other students. It was really fun!
After all that hard work, the final event for the day was finally done. It was the awarding ceremony courtesy of PSYSC. The elected RC officers and the guests were given applauses for a commendable job done. The newly-elected RC III officers were introduced to everyone. The day ended with everyone dancing, taking photos, and hugging each other. We said our goodbyes to our kuyas and ates from PSYSC and also to the other schools that came.
I am proud to have been a part of this project and I will never forget the awesome time I’ve had that day. I have experienced a lot of first-times; meeting fellow science clubbers; and of course, having the chance to make a difference both for the environment and to the community as well. It’s really great to be a true-blue science clubber, especially if you are a part of the Philippine Society of Youth Science Clubs (PSYSC). Nothing else can compare to this experience.
I am now looking forward to the next project of PSYSC and as always, “Once a PSYSC, a PSYSC forever!”
Gil Troy P. Meren
Region III RC VP for External Affairs