Consistency is Key

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by Rossano Seth C. Galarosa
At the start of the day, I was expecting to have a very light schedule because of the seemingly simple activities prepared for us. What I hoped to be the easiest day turned out to be the most challenging. Although it had our brains and eyes chisel, I helped myself by staying calm and seeing the benefits instead of the difficulty.
The first topic we tackled was the development and creation of project proposals. Kuya Ryan explained to us the very framework of all projects and the importance of a project’s preciseness and simplicity. Moreover, I was enlightened at how project proposals can make a project stable as possible.
The last topic was the presentation of project proposals and I can honestly say that the experience was a real treat.
All in all, the 6 hour session was very beneficial to us. Furthermore, the activity allowed us to be comfortable with one another and consider ourselves a family.
Rossano Seth C. Galarosa
S.N.S.H, Region 5

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