A Time to Learn

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By Gerard Kris Parot
Day 3 of the Leadership Training Seminar: A glimpse of what to expect and what to partake in this new day started to trigger my whole thinking. Upon seeing the program of activities, a feeling of stability filled me because of my past knowledge of the topics to be taken. Even though, the nervousness was still there. Knowing that this would be another fruitful day in this seminar, a second thought never came even once in my mind.
This day, I believe is the most central part of the whole even in the sense that in this day is when we know each other deeply. We bonded much more than the past days. It was like the different poles of a magnet which needs more force due to the differences. This attainment had really helped us especially to be productive and functional enough in the activities handed on that time since we already knew each other.
We had series of lectures and workshops about the topic, on how to make a project proposal. There were a lot of actual practices which enhanced not only my mind but most importantly my skill in different aspects. Team building was done to test our actions as a team or a group. Although I was not included in the games, there’s a lot of new learning to be gained by just looking on how my co-participants worked aside from the lectures given and catered by the LTS lecturers.
The day ended with a blast – a blast that I could never really forget in my entire living because it had exposed me in different qualities of a leader like sensitivity, sharing and sacrificing. It is a new activity and a good undertaking to test and strengthen our sense of leadership.
Gerard Kris Parot
Region 9

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