Reaching Beyond My Limits in Enhancing My Leadership in Its Needs

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by Gerard Kris T. Parot
As I took my first step, leading me to where the training was held, a sudden chill embraced me. I breathed deeply enough, that I can feel my chest pounding, reminiscing my last year’s moments in the past national Leadership Training Seminar. Upon turning the knob, I saw all the eyes of the people around rooted upon me. A feeling of ignorance, as if my confidence was fading, dominated my entire thinking, but a sudden thought of representing region 9 in this endeavor purged my mind, leading me into a realization “No! It is just the beginning.” Why should I feel this way if I know inside me that I am trusted and was chosen to partake in this event and if I know the reason behind it?
Moving my head, gazing around gave me my purpose in attending this seminar: to share knowledge, learning at the same time through interacting with these individuals characterizing different personalities. Knowing these strangers in my sight is such a useful compliment to my purpose in its pursuit.
The activities and actions were made enjoyable and fun to learn. All the lectures and sessions were effective, that we were able to absorb important facts that we can apply in the conduction of different activities in our respective regions. Even though these are just some among many more things that they could catch in us, these made me thankful enough already that I was given a chance to be a part of this and that my time and efforts will not be turned to waste. I’m still looking forward for a wider range and fresh knowledge that I could gain in the next days to come.
Gerard Kris T. Parot
Region 9

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