We are One

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by Rachel Anne Pagador 
                Though we are people from different parts of the country, with different ways of thinking, different attitudes and characteristics, we are still able to prove that we can be and will always be ONE, in sharing one vision and mission to promote the public understanding of science, technology and environment.
By the monk’s meal alone, we were already sensitive to one another’s needs. We showed the importance of sharing and teamwork to finish the meal. We proved the possibility of unity in diversity. More activities allowed us to concentrate, focus and listen to one another. All the challenges did not break us, instead made us stronger. Leaders will always encounter challenges and distractions but these should not be taken negatively but be a source of strength and experience.
For everyone who have helped us – ates, kuyas, advisers and lecturers, I would like to express my deepest gratitude! We were able to prove to ourselves and to others that the youth leaders will always be one and will never give up on challenges. Thank you for all the inspiration and motivation!
Rachel Anne Pagador
LIDE learning Center, Inc., Region 8

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