I gotta feeling!
By Hannah Go
Excitement! Being a part of the CSIW gave me this feeling brought about by the workshops and other activities that were in store not only for the participants but also for us facilitators. On the first day, after waking up from a 4-hour sleep, there is this feeling that tells me that in the sessions’ hall there were the kids that were about to be part of my balay and the others’ balay. But I don’t think that every feeling lasts.
Exhaustion! I felt really tired right after the subcamp congregation and the activities after this. It was so stressful knowing that some children weren’t listening from my directions and by not being able to control the crowd. There was a time when a car was about to pass by and the children weren’t avoiding it. Instructing them to avoid it was notably stressful especially that some children were preoccupied, I suppose. Multi-tasking, for instance; listening while looking after the students during lectures wasn’t what I expected. Listening was wearisome because I also had to discipline those students who weren’t listening. At the end of the day, sleeping was the best remedy.
Anticipation! Looking forward to what would happen on the next few days was like anticipating on whether those days would only be either less tense or a lot more exhausting. During the over-all workshop, I knew that I became a stage facilitator because I think, if I didn’t become a stage faci, the children would go wild and couldn’t control themselves. In the end, my children and I were really exhausted and at the same time, not only the children had fun but me as well.
Adventure! The field trip was not only meant for having fun but also for having adventure while learning new things. At first, I was really concerned that they had to form two lines all the time. But then I realized that children were better left on their own to experience something new because no matter what happens, they would always go back to you. In that matter, we enjoyed as much as the kids did.
Fulfillment! After the CSIW event, it felt like I achieved something so big because I never had an experience like this before. Actually, I didn’t expect that I would be crying during the faci moment but I did. That was fun! Honestly, I don’t know how to put into words the experience I had during CSIW but all I can say is that it was greatly tremendous.
Hannah Go
Facilitator, CSIW 2010